Painful Menstrual Cycles Are Not “Normal”

A painful menstrual cycle (dysmenorrhea) refers to the cyclical abdominal pain which is experienced during or before menstruation. Generally, it is a cramping in the abdomen, lower back, or a pulling sensation in the lower thighs. This pain can also be accompanied by headaches, dizziness, insomnia, nausea, diarrhea or constipation. In addition, pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS)Continue reading “Painful Menstrual Cycles Are Not “Normal””

Embracing Menopause

Menopause is a natural part of a woman’s life. Traditional Chinese Medicine calls the various symptoms that some women experience when their cycle ends, simply, “menstrual cycle ending symptoms.” From the beginning to the end of this life cycle, if a woman is healthy and “in balance” her cycles will be regular and free ofContinue reading “Embracing Menopause”

Part One: Allergies Can be Complicated

An allergy is a hypersensitive immune response to a substance called an allergen. The allergen either enters or comes into contact with the body which causes the immune system to treat it like a pathogen—a foreign and potentially harmful invader. This causes the immune system to produce antibodies. Antibodies are proteins made by the immuneContinue reading “Part One: Allergies Can be Complicated”

Part Two: Allergies Can Be Complicated

The ways in which we come into contact with an allergen are through eating, touching, inhaling or being injected by allergens. We know we are allergic or hypersensitive to a substance if we have an obvious negative response to the substance, are tested by skin testing to confirm the allergen, do an elimination diet (notContinue reading “Part Two: Allergies Can Be Complicated”

The Five Yang Elements of Chinese Medicine

In Five Element Theory the elements are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Understanding some basic foundational information can bring awareness to the process of illness and preserving one’s health. The yang organs assist the yin organs in performing their primary functions. Wood is represented by the yang organ system of the gall bladder. ItContinue reading “The Five Yang Elements of Chinese Medicine”

Is My Body Like My Car?

The answer is yes…and no. Like our automobiles, our bodies are a system of structure and function made up of many interconnected parts. I treat my body in similar ways to my car regarding maintenance and a developed awareness of “signs.” I have taken the time to familiarize myself with the basic mechanics of myContinue reading “Is My Body Like My Car?”

The Dangers of Dehydration

Dehydration is the excessive loss of body water with an accompanying disruption of metabolic processes. It occurs when water loss exceeds water intake. Most people can tolerate a 3-4% decrease in body water without difficulty. A 5-8% decrease can cause fatigue and dizziness. Over 10% can cause physical and mental deterioration accompanied by severe thirst.Continue reading “The Dangers of Dehydration”

Acupuncture and Sports Injuries

Many superstar athletes have received acupuncture for injuries and to enhance performance. NFL quarterback Matt Hasselbeck, hockey superstar Jaromis Jagr, Olympic high-jumper Amy Acuff, The New York Ballet of dancers, Canadian speed skater, Kevin Overland and others on the Minnesota Vikings and San Diego Chargers, to name a few. The combination of acupuncture and sportsContinue reading “Acupuncture and Sports Injuries”

How Acupuncture Works in Pain Management

It might come as a surprise that pain is not unique to mammals. It is also ‘sensed’ in a wide range of living creatures such as leeches, nematode worms, sea slugs, fruit flies, fishes, amphibians, reptiles and birds. There is also a gradual addition of multiple pain mechanisms as the evolutionary tree ascends from simpleContinue reading “How Acupuncture Works in Pain Management”

The Five Yin Elements of Chinese Medicine

In Five Element Theory the elements are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Understanding some basic foundational information can bring awareness to the process of illness and preserving one’s health. Let’s begin with the yin organs. Wood is represented by the season of spring and the liver. It has an aversion to wind. It isContinue reading “The Five Yin Elements of Chinese Medicine”